If you only need one computer system, or, if you do not need to share system data with other system users, a stand-alone or single workstation setup is probably fine for you.
Windows XP is no longer supported and ATX cannot be installed on an XP machine.
This topic gives steps to perform the Stand Alone installation. If you're unsure of your install type, see What Install Type Do I Need?
IMPORTANT! Before installing ATX, make sure your computer meets the System Requirements for a stand-alone setup. Setups that meet or exceed the recommended requirements will experience the best performance results.
To install and activate ATX on a stand-alone or single workstation:
As a precaution against losing work in other programs, you should shut down all other applications on your computer before beginning your ATX installation.
Installation: Welcome
Installation: License Agreement
About the Installation Process
Select Your Install Type
Confirm Your Install Type
The default location for stand-alone installations is C:\Program Files (x86)\CCH Small Firm Services\ATX2015 for all supported Windows operating systems.
CCH® IntelliConnect® Browser plug-in install
The option to install the CCH® IntelliConnect® Browser Search plug-in only displays if you do not have the plug-in installed.
Installation Complete
This completes the installation process. The ATX icon is placed on the desktop.
If you selected to install the CCH IntelliConnect Browser plug-in, the installation will now begin. For Information on installing and setup see CCH IntelliConnect® Browser Installation.
The Activation Codes Dialog Box appears the first time you start the application after installation.
Activation Codes
If you purchased a product that is bundled with a Payroll Compliance or W2/1099 product, do not enter that Activation Code in this dialog box. Instead, read the note at the bottom of the dialog box and click the link that says Click here for installation instructions. See W2-1099 or Payroll Compliance for these installation instructions.
Activation Codes (after successful activation code is entered)
Download Form Updates dialog box
Updates preferences